Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day Activities

Valentine's Day proved to be a busy day in Physical Education as students in various classes participated in a wide array of games and dances.  There was "Drop the Valentine", "Valentine Minuet" dance, "Valentine Partner Match" game, "Valentine Puzzle" game, "Catch a Heart" and the "Valentine Cookie" game.  Students warmed up with one activity and then played another one.  

 A valentine is dropped behind a player who then chases 
the person who dropped it, attempting to tag that person.

 Students circle with a partner during the Valentine Minuet dance to the song "Valentine, Valentine."

 Students moved around the room to music constantly exchanging one half of 
a broken heart with another person.  When the music stopped, each student 
had to find the person with the other half of their heart and put it back together.

 During the Valentine Puzzle fitness activity, students traveled in various locomotor movements.  When the teacher said "stop", students met in groups of 3 at a dot and had to put together a heart puzzle.  It was fierce competition to see which group could do this the fastest.

"Catch a Heart" gave students the chance to work on catching with a little finesse'.  
The heart actually lit up and blinked.  To stay in the game, a student had to catch
 the heart without it blinking.  It was not easy. 

The "Valentine Cookie" game had four teams attempting to accumulate 3 cookies in their hoop.  
Students got to take cookies from a center hoop until they were all gone (there were only 6 to start with) and then were allowed to take from the hoops of other teams.  Only 1 player at a time was allowed to be gone on each turn.  This game was challenging and kept students moving.