Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Valentine Cookie Game - February 13, 2019

With Valentine's Day happening tomorrow, we replayed a game we did earlier this year about cookies and simply used valentine's hearts as our cookies instead of beanbags.  This is the game where 5-6 cookies are in the center in Mrs. Wagner's cookie jar (hoop).  Four teams are standing at empty hoops in the four corners of a playing area.  The first person in each line runs to the middle to take a cookie from the jar and bring it back to their jar.  This continues until all the cookies are gone from the center jar.  Once this happens, each lead runner may go to another hoop and grab one of their cookies (mindful that others might be taking cookies from their jar).  This continues until one team has accumulated 3 cookies in their cookie jar and they yell "stop."  This is a game of both movement and strategy.

Some classes also warmed up with a fun throwing and catching activity where a light up heart was used.  I gently tossed the heart to each student and he/she had to try to catch it without making the heart light up.  It required a very gentle and "giving" catch.  If the heart blinked, that student had to sit down. The warm-up was short and sweet, but it was fun to see who the last student was who could catch the heart without it blinking. 

The first student in each line runs to the center cookie jar to pick up one cookie.  

This student runs back to her cookie jar (hoop) with a heart cookie. 
 The scarf designated who was the runner from each team.

This team celebrates after getting three Valentine cookies in their hoop.

This group shows off their Valentine cookies.

Two different class winners of the blinking heart warm-up.  Great job, girls!