Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Alien Day - March 20, 2019

Today was a day to recognize the possibility that one day we might discover life on another planet.  In PE we talked about various sightings that people have claimed to have made over the years but, ultimately, we decided that there is no definitive proof, to our knowledge, that extra terrestrial beings exist.  Children seemed to think that the possibility was exciting, however.

In Physical Education we did two activities for our Alien Day.  First, kindergarten students warmed up with a dance to a song called "Starship."  The dance was quite repetitive but classes did a great job following along.  Our second activity was one to work on overhand throwing.  Students worked on the two step approach to throwing overhanded, with the opposite foot ending up in front when the ball is thrown.  We set up a space ship in the middle of the gym with white balls in hoops.  These balls represented lights on the UFO.  Students attempted to throw and knock all the white balls out of the hoop.  Once they did this, they could aim for the green alien in the center of the space ship.  This was a fun way to work on an important skill like the overhand throw. 

Working on the overhand throw, students threw balls at the white lights on our alien space ship.

 Colored balls were thrown in an attempt to knock the white lights out of the hoops.

 Students take aim at the white balls which represent the lights on the UFO.

After all the white balls were knocked out of the hoops, 
students got to aim at the green alien in the center hoop.

 All colored balls head towards the green ball in the center.  
It was eventually knocked out of the hoop.

Students warmed up with a dance to the song "Starship."  Here they wave their arms in the air.

At the end of the "Starship" dance, students posed with a fist pump in the air.