Friday, March 22, 2019

World Water Day - March 22, 2019

Today was another day in Physical Education where we got to talk about environmental issues.  It was World Water Day so I spoke with the children about water conservation and ways that we can help keep our water supply sufficient so it is available for future generations.  Turning off water when not in use (like brushing teeth), watering during the cool hours of the morning, limiting bath and shower water, using a small drinking cup and getting seconds, if necessary, and pouring water onto plants, trees, or the grass instead of throwing it down the drain or in the trash (bottled water). We also talked about how every place does not have an adequate water supply so people must travel several miles to find a water source.  Children were astonished by this occurrence.  I even talked briefly about evaporation. The children did a fabulous job listening. 

It was a bit cool in the morning so I set up a water relay on the carpeted entryway in the gym.  Children had to transfer water from one location to another via a small cup.  They tried to do this without spilling or splashing.  They got to see which team could get the most water in their tub.  I was proud of the children for working hard not to waste water as they walked.  They were very careful. 

The class prepares to transfer water from a bucket to a tub using a small glass.  
They will try not to waste water by spilling or splashing.

 The glass is dipped in to the water.

This student is trying not to get his cup too full.

 This glass is carried carefully without spilling.

 Students learned how valuable water is so they were careful to keep it in the cup.

 Even pouring must be done carefully so no water is wasted.

Keeping the cup low to the pouring surface will keep the water from splashing out of the tub.