Monday, March 25, 2019

International Waffle Day - March 25, 2019

Who knew that waffles were so popular around the world?  When researching International Waffle Day, I discovered that it actually started in Sweden and is referred to as Vaffeldagen. This date traditionally begins the start of spring in Sweden and is celebrated with lots of waffle eating.  

This day is one of two days set aside in the calendar year for the enjoyment of waffles.  So, whether you like them with syrup, powdered sugar, fruit, chocolate syrup, jam, peanut butter, honey, nuts, whipped cream, butter only, or some other tasty addition, enjoy a waffle for any meal.  They're good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  YUM!!

In PE we did an activity to work on basketball dribbling, throwing, catching, and bouncing.  Students dribbled a ball around half of the gym while music played.  Half of the gym was covered with poly spots.  Underneath each spot was a picture of either a waffle, pancake, or syrup. When the music stopped, each student went to a poly spot and looked underneath.  If it was the waffle, they did toss and catch.  If it was the pancake, they did bounce and catch.  If it was the syrup, they jogged one lap around the gym.  The music started up again and the children continued.  They had lots of opportunities to work on many different skills.

Here is the board that tells children what to do if their
polyspot has one of these pictures underneath it.

These students dribble through the polyspots while the music plays.  
They will eventually stand on a dot when the music stops and look 
under it for a picture of waffles, pancakes, or syrup.

 This student has a waffle paper under her polyspot.  She must toss and catch.

This student has a pancake paper under his polyspot.  He must bounce and catch.

Finding a syrup paper under the polyspot meant the student had to jog 2 laps around the gym.

The mother of these boys made waffles and sausage for dinner on International Waffle Day.