With this being the tax deadline date, we played a game with money today. In my simplest way, I tried to explain to children how taxes work and how we might earn a certain amount of money but we do not receive the entire amount. I talked to them about how the tax money we pay goes to building and repairing roads, highways, bridges, etc., and supporting programs that help organizations or people. After my explanation, students were given $3.00 and a yarn ball to soccer dribble around on the gym floor. I played the songs "Tax Man" and "Money" by the Beatles and the children dribbled around polyspots. When the music stopped, they went and stood on a spot. Students looked under their spot to find a paper with either Uncle Sam (pay $1.00 to the tax man), a money bag (receive $1.00 from the tax man), or a question mark - roll a die to determine if you pay (odd number) or receive (even number). Students constantly moved about dribbling and paying or receiving money. When we were done, everyone counted up their money to see who had the most. It was fun to listen to the cheers when students landed on a money bag or the moans when they had to pay the tax.
This class soccer dribbles a yarn ball throughout the polyspots.
Alternately tapping the ball with the insides of the feet is important.
This student lifted up his polyspot to fine the money bag. The tax man will give him $1.00.
This student lifted his dot to find Uncle Sam. He will pay $1.00 to the tax man.
This student lifted her polyspot to find the question mark and will roll a die
to see if she gets an odd number (pay a dollar) or even number (receive a dollar.)
Finding a question mark under her polyspot, this student rolls the die
to find out whether she will owe or receive money from the tax man.
It's a good day for this student. He has collected $6.00 from the tax man.
Oh, no!! Pay the tax man.