What a fabulous day for our annual Kindergarten Field Day. The theme, "Moving Through the Months," was fun as students moved to 24 different activities associated with the 12 months of the year. From a snowball fight in January to dropping red reindeer noses in jars in December, students were continuously active. Afterwards, parents, students, and faculty enjoyed popsicles in the quadrangle. Thank you to our many volunteers who helped with this special event. Your assistance was crucial to a wonderful day and it is greatly appreciated.
It was fun dribbling an over-sized egg during the April Easter Egg hockey dribble.
April showers meant that students had to walk down and fill up several
containers of water while using a scoop that had holes in it.
The back to school August event had students grabbing foam
numbers from a tub of water and putting them in order.
The "Gone Fishing" event for August had students
passing a fish back and forth between two towels (nets).
Dropping reindeer noses into a mason jar.
The football passes through the hoop for the Superbowl Sunday event in January.
Serving up hamburgers from the grill during the July backyard barbeque.
Enjoying the pool in June and grabbing marbles with the toes.
The ice cream cone relay had students catching ice cream in a cone during this June event.
Potato sack races for March.
Celebrating a successful basket at the March Madness station.
Planting a flower in the May garden.
Enjoying a Popsicle with a friend.
This smile says it all. What a great field day.
Thank you field day volunteers. You're the best!!