Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sign up for Early Childhood Physical Education Blog Notifications

It was so nice to see so many parents at tonight's Early Childhood Parent Night.  We appreciate you taking the time to learn about the special classes that your child gets to participate in each week, along with their daily classroom routine.  Being informed will help you converse with your child about his/her school day.  Asking questions about different classes, events, or subjects will also help children communicate with others and increase vocabulary. 

I spoke tonight about the Physical Education theme for the year which is "Physical Education: We've Got Game."  Through physical activity, students will be traveling around the world to learn games from other countries.  We will find each location on our world map and learn about continents and countries.  I will post photos of our activities on the bulletin board in the west wing hallway.  I hope you will look at it on a regular basis and discuss games and locations with your child.

It will be a while before we start this theme, however, as I must first finish my introduction to rules and procedures.  I also have to prepare children for a couple of upcoming events, including Dad's Day on Friday, September 13.  There may be times, as well, when we take time out for events like the international pancake race and Kentucky Derby, or fun games for various holidays.

Throughout the year I will post many activities on my blog and include a link to pictures of the children participating in class.  Pictures can be downloaded from the link.  Please know that I never include the names of any children with my photos.  If you wish to be notified of my post, you can sign up on my blog page on the right hand side where it indicates "FOLLOW BY E-MAIL."  Just fill in your email address and you will get a notification that I have posted something new.  You also have the opportunity to look back at past blogs and photos when we had our last year's theme "Every Day's a Holiday in Physical Education."  There's some fun photos.