Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Finding our Place on Our Continent - North America

This week classes have been concentrating on our continent, North America; specifically, the United States of America.  We also talked about the directions on the map and did some activities for north, south, east, and west.  Students all had a map and found Kansas in the Midwest.  From there, they moved their fingers in the direction that I told them to find other states like California, Washington, Minnesota, Wyoming, New York, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Texas.  For each of these states we had a specific activity to do related to that state.  There was much variation in our activities. 

Later in the week I added an activity where Pre-k and Kindergarten students rolled a ball around inside a hoop.  Each ball had an arrow on it.  When it stopped rolling, students had to determine which wall the arrow was pointing to and whether it was north, south, east, or west.  Later they took this up a notch by adding directions like northwest and southeast.  They had to jog to that location and do a specified exercise a designated number of times before returning to the hoop. 

Here are several fun pictures.  There is a link to more photos at the bottom of the page.  

Working on balance while surfing in California.

 Balancing while surfing is not as easy as it looks.

Students had to move their finger east of Kansas to find Kentucky on the map.

 This class gallops with their horses around the blue line signifying the horse racing in Kentucky.

 Galloping on the blue line with our thoroughbred horses.

 We used the scooters to sled in Minnesota.

 Students learned that Minnesota is north of Kansas.  Here they sled for fun.

 Moving south on the map, this student finds Texas.

 A popular event in Texas is football.

These two students work on an overhand throw, stepping in opposition.

 We moved north to Wyoming and practiced barrel racing at the Cheyenne rodeo.

This student rounds the first barrel on his horse.

 We went to the Northwest and played toss and catch with Washington apples.

This apple is well on its way to the scoop.

Students balance a ball on a cone for the Statue of Liberty in New York City.

The class met at the pretend torch and we lit it up to make it glow.

This class went to the south to visit Louisiana.  They did the "Crawfish Dance."

 Part of the "Crawfish Dance" is making a tail behind the body and shaking the shoulders.

 The hand jive actions are part of the "Crawfish Dance."  Here students pound their fists.

The two step sideways is done adding the "dig for crawfish" arms.

Students in prekindergarten warmed up with an activity where they rolled a 
ball inside a hoop to see where the arrow on the ball would land.  They had to 
point towards the correct wall and determine north, south, east, or west.

This group points towards the north wall.

Kindergarten students do toe touches at the south wall.