Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Spiders and Flies Game

With today being such a busy day with the Mother Goose parade and Enchanted Library, I did not have a lot of classes this morning.  I did have one preschool class, however, that came over to play a game called Spiders and Flies.  The center circle of the gym was the spider's web and inside of it crouched one spider.  The rest of the children were flies who started at a home base and ran up to the web and around it.  They made a buzzing sound as they ran.  When "jump" was called out, the spider jumped up to chase the flies back to their home base.  The spider used a foam Frisbee as a tagging tool.  If a fly was caught, that person got another foam Frisbee and became a spider.  The game continued until only one fly was left, then we started over with one new spider in the middle of the web.  On each round, we counted how many spiders had joined the web.  It was excellent practice counting one to one.  Every time I play this game with children, I'm amazed at how much they love to run and scream!  It was the perfect game for a day like today.

 Six spiders crouch down waiting for the flies to buzz up to the web.

 Flies run around the web anticipating the word "jump" so they can head back to home base.

 Run flies run!  The spiders are getting closer!

 This student is the last fly left.  Way to go!