Saturday, December 14, 2019

Friday the 13th Superstition Obstacle Course

Kindergarten took a break from our study of games around the world to talk about a day that only comes around occasionally - Friday the 13th.  We discussed various superstitions and how they are not really true.  Some of the superstitions children knew (like crossing the path of a black cat), but many they had never heard of.  There were a lot more superstitions that we did not even get to talk about because we wanted to get started on our activity.  I set up a superstition obstacle course in the gym.  It was great fun and kept children moving.

Don't step on a crack or you'll break your mother's back.  
These students take big jumps over the cracks.

 Having gold fish in your pond is good luck.
This student attempts to throw a gold fish into the pond.

 Hold your breath when passing a graveyard.

 Knock on wood if you don't 
want to jinx what you just said.

 Never pass under a ladder.  This 
student zigzags through the ladders.

Rolling a 7 or 11 is considered lucky.  If you
did not roll either of those numbers, you had to do
jumping jacks for the total number on both dice.

 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.  Here 
students attempt to toss and catch an apple in a scoop.

 Watch out for that black cat.

You are safe if standing in a circle.
This student jumps from circle to circle.

 A mirroring activity was done with a partner 
for the superstition that breaking a
 mirror means seven years of bad luck.

 Find a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck.
These students turn over pennies at each orange poly spot.

 Raise your feet when passing over railroad tracks.
These students jump over the tracks.

 Spilling salt is bad luck so throw a pinch 
of salt backwards over your left shoulder.  
This student tries to throw the salt (yarn ball) 
backwards and land in the crate.

 Oh no!  Rolling snake eyes is bad luck.  Slither 
on your stomach like a snake to the wall and back.

Snow angels were made for the belief that every 
time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.