Monday, January 6, 2020

Welcome Back to School and a big "Thank You"

Welcome back to school.  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a relaxing break.  I was a little bit under the weather but still managed to enjoy time with family.  I'm sure you did, too.

This year I decorated my home Christmas trees with ornaments received from students, faculty, and staff over the past 46 years. Each year I marked every ornament with the name of the person who gave it to me and the year that it was received.  It was fun (and a little bit nostalgic) to look at the trees and remember the smiling faces of the "children" and adults who gave them to me. There were ornaments dating back to the mid 1970's.  My sincere thanks to everyone over the years who contributed to this joy.

The front side of the student tree.  Ornaments wrapped all the way around the entire tree.

The front of the faculty and staff tree.