Sunday, February 23, 2020

Preparing for the English game of Tiddlywinks

Since we are visiting countries in the United Kingdom for our study of games around the world, we are currently learning about England.  Kindergarten students learned a little bit about the game of Tiddlywinks which originated in England and has been around since Victorian times.  The updated version of the game has been in existence since the 1950's where it was played in English universities like Cambridge.  We will try a modified version of the game at a later date but, for now, worked on the flipping action by using the tiddlywinks frogs.  This was a great activity to work on fine motor skills and was actually quite challenging.  The game requires a lot of finesse.  

 This student prepares to flip his frog into the pond.

 The frog jumps through the air to land in the water or on the lily pad.

 This student is excited that all three of her pink frogs landed on the lily pad.  Nice work.

These two boys celebrate after all of their frogs landed on the lily pad.  Great job.