
Friday, March 20, 2020

A Message From Mrs. Wagner

Most of you know by now that I was raised in a family with 6 brothers and no sisters.  My mother had 6 children before the age of 29. So, as one might suspect, my mother's go to comment was "Go outside and play."  Even when my son was little and took piano lessons from my mother, when he got antsy on the piano bench, she sent him outside to run 4 laps around the house before he came back in to resume his lesson.  I laugh about that now, but there is much truth to the idea of getting out and getting moving.  After all, I learned in school that the human body is programmed to move every 20 minutes.  Movement gets the blood flowing and sends oxygen to the brain.  Movement revitalizes us!

Amid all the concerns of Covid-19, I have seen something that puts a smile on my face - families outside together playing in their yards, shooting baskets, kicking soccer balls, walking the dog, blowing bubbles, riding bikes or scooters, and strolling together as a family.  Since it's hard to go anywhere or do much in the community, it's nice to see families pulling together to keep each other entertained and active during these challenging times.

Over the next few weeks, I hope to help with this situation.  Students will be working on academic content sent from classroom teachers.  When possible, stop and let your child have a different kind of fun with some of the suggestions I plan to post on this blog.  There might be a skill related activity or game, brain break, YouTube video, exercise calendar, dance, or an old routine we did at school.  Classroom teachers may be sending some, as well, as we all recognize the importance of keeping children active as they learn.

I invite you to help your children keep an activity log each day so they learn to recognize how physically active they have been during the day. Add a star or sticker to a calendar for each day they have achieved a 60 minute recommendation for physical activity.  In addition, I hope you will send me short videos of how your children are staying active.  You can send them to my school email. I know I will enjoy seeing them.

In the meantime, stay healthy and safe, and know that I miss everyone greatly.  I appreciate the effort that you will make to keep your children active.  I look forward to seeing everyone in the future.

Respectfully yours,

Kathy Wagner
Early Childhood Physical Education