Friday, May 15, 2020

#8 - "Spartans in Action"

I've gotten some more pictures from the Cinco de Mayo activities and a few from students dancing.  Thank you for sending them in.  We are almost to the end of the school year so make an effort to stay active and try out some of the activities on previous posts from my blog.  You can scroll back at any time and repeat activities you have already done or try out new ones.  If you do, send me a picture or short video.

Don't forget to practice the dances for next week's Zoom beach party with some of your classmates and friends.  It will be fun dancing all together.  Be sure to dress up in your beach attire. 

Friends bounce on their trampoline to crack the confetti filled eggs on Cinco de Mayo.

Mother and daughter take turns cracking the cascarones over each other's heads.

Hair filled with confetti made the cascarone activity silly and fun.
The Mexican dress also made the event festive.  It's beautiful.

I love the anticipation on this child's face.

And here's the action!  What a great photo.

The mess is part of the fun!

Riding a bike is always a good physical activity.

This student gets a real workout while practicing the twist for the beach party.

These brothers practice the "Be True to Your School" dance 
in preparation for the end of year ZOOM beach party.

Here's the big "Yea" finish at the end of the "Twist."

Holding your nose and going underwater 
is one of the actions for the "Swim."  

 This student has worked on all the dances for the upcoming virtual beach party.  
Here he practices our final dance to "Be True to Your School"