Thursday, October 18, 2018

National Pasta Day - October 17, 2018

Yesterday, October 17, was National Pasta Day.  We warmed up today with an activity called "Spaghetti and Meatballs."  A small parachute was used for the plate, short ropes were the spaghetti, and red yarn balls acted as the meatballs.  We put the ropes and yarn balls on the parachute and shook the parachute lightly, then a little harder.  Finally on the words "Spaghetti and Meatballs," the children shook the parachute as hard as they could to try and get all the ropes and yarn balls off the parachute.  It was fun to watch them fly into the air.

  The ropes and yarn balls are on the plate ready to be mixed up.

When students heard "Spaghetti and Meatballs," they shook the parachute hard to make the ropes and yarn balls fly into the air.  It took a while to shake everything off the parachute.