Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Witch's Spell

Today in Physical Education we continued with another Halloween game.  Students played Witch's Spell, a fun spelling game that had them drawing for letters from a witch's cauldron and matching them up with a special Halloween word.  If they drew an "alphabat" it got to replace any needed letter in the word.  Children were excited when they drew an "alphabat."  We did this activity as a relay.

 This student reaches into the cauldron to grab a letter.  
Hopefully, it will be one that he needs for the word "ghost."

 This student discovers that he does not need a "b" for the word "ghost."

Any letter that is not needed is put into the discard bowl.

 This student is all smiles about drawing an "alphabat", which allows 
her to use the bat for any letter that she might need to make her word.

Showing off her "alphabat."

 The "alphabat" is put down in place of the letter "i".

We have a winner!