Thursday, December 13, 2018

Ice Cream Day - December 13, 2018

Despite the fact that National Ice Cream Day is celebrated in July, today is Ice Cream Day.  I think it's just a reminder that ice cream is still a tasty treat even in the Winter.  Children warmed up in PE today with a tossing and catching activity where they tried to catch a colored yarn ball in an over-sized badminton birdie to make it look like an ice cream cone.

 Wouldn't it be fun if this was real ice cream?

 This student tracks the ball as he prepares to catch the ice cream in his cone.

This student concentrates hard to catch the ball in the birdie.

 This student has had a successful catch with his blueberry flavored ice cream. 

 A smile shows how happy this student is to have caught the "ice cream" in his "cone."