Friday, December 14, 2018

Shoe Tying Day

Today was a different emphasis in Physical Education.  I worked with kindergarten students on tying an adult tennis shoe.  Over the years, I have discovered that it is easier to teach children to tie if they use a tennis shoe with longer shoe laces.  Several students were already tying their own shoes so they moved to a different area to shoot baskets while I worked with others.  Students who mastered this skill earned a shoe tying certificate.  If your child did not earn a certificate yet, do not worry.  I will be working individually with students over the next few days.  Shoe tying is one of the major milestones for this age student.  They are so proud of themselves when they master this skill.  Be sure to ask your child to show you their newly acquired skill.  Please be patient, however, as your encouragement and expertise may still be needed.

Conquering one of the major tasks of kindergarten puts a smile on this students' face.