Friday, February 8, 2019

Early Childhood Read and Romp Day is Fast Approaching

Early Childhood Read and Romp Day, a collaborative event between the Library and Physical Education Department, will be held on Monday, March 4, 2019.  This fun day has children coming to the gymnasiums where they rotate to 10 different stations.  At each station they are read a book, followed by a simple physical activity, art project, or snack.  There is a morning event from 8:30-11:00 and an afternoon session from Noon-3:00.  The classes are coming as follows:

Morning - Manamperi AM, Dennill, Freed, Burcham, Collier, Reeder, Kotkin, and Snyder AM.

Afternoon - Manamperi PM, Snyder PM, Abdul, Gallagher, Gray, Ghosh, Leger, Johnson, and Zarei.

At conference time I sent home a note asking parents to confirm their ability to volunteer if they signed up at the beginning of the year.  Please contact me at to let me know if you are still available to help.  Parents who did not sign up at the beginning of the year are still welcome to do so.  Just contact me at my school email address.  I will send information out via email closer to the date of the event.  The email will explain your job assignment.

Thank you for your assistance.  It's going to be a great day.