Tuesday, February 12, 2019

National Bagel Day - February 9, 2019

Saturday, February 9, was National Bagel Day.  I had a fun activity planned for this day so decided to do it in PE on Monday.  Students went Bowling with Bagels.  They used over-sized exercise donuts as the bagels, rolled them towards the bowling pins and attempted to knock them down.  (We used only three pins in an effort to save time setting them back up.  I wanted the children to have more time rolling the bagel.)  It was hysterical and the afternoon kindergarten students really enjoyed it.  There were lots of cheers when students got strikes with their bagels.  We also talked about the terms strike, spare, and open frame. Hopefully, this will help them when they go to the real bowling alley where they probably will NOT be bowling with bagels! 😃

 This student gives her bagel a big push towards the pins.

 This bagel appears to be heading right towards the pins.  Great job!

 There were many different techniques for pushing the bagel.

Students wait to see the results of their bagel roll.  It was harder than it looked.

This student celebrates his strike.