Tuesday, February 12, 2019

National Found Penny Day - February 12, 2019

Today was National Found Penny Day.  In Physical Education we talked about the penny and discussed who was on the front of it and what was on the back of it.  Students learned about the phrases "heads or tails" and "Find a penny, pick it up, all day long, you'll have good luck."  Some people believe that the penny always has to be on the heads side and others believe it is OK to pick it up on either side. 

Our activity for the day again involved ball skills and exercises.  I tossed pennies in the air and each student had to find one, step on it, and determine whether it was heads or tails.  Heads chose an exercise card or did a designated ball skill like throw and catch, or dribble, and tails jogged the blue line.  This was done numerous times and children really got a workout.  They enjoyed finding a penny and stepping on it as quickly as possible.  Before the penny was picked up, the group said the phrase "Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck."  

Mrs. Wagner tosses the pennies in the air.

Students find a penny and step on it.

Stepping off his penny and looking at it, this 
student determines if the penny is heads or tails.

This class shows their pennies.

This student shows the heads side of her penny.  She will do a ball skill or exercise.

This student chose the "knee lift" card because her penny landed heads up.

 This student chose the "arm circles" card for her 'heads up" penny.

 This student's penny landed on "tails" so he is jogging the blue line.