Friday, February 22, 2019

National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend

When I talked with my students about Girl Scout cookies today, I was amazed at how many students said they had already bought some cookies.  This is National Girl Scout Cookie weekend so it's a good bet that there will be plenty of cookies for sale in the next few days.

In Physical Education, I decided to celebrate the event with a matching game.  I ran off copies of the fronts of all Girl Scout cookie boxes and placed them in a circle on the floor.  I set up the cookie boxes across the gym and assigned each cookie an activity that had to be performed 10 times. (Jog in place, dribble a basketball, toe touches, tap a balloon in the air with a paddle, jumping jacks, toss and catch a playground ball or light-up ball with hands, and catch a yarn ball in a scoop.)  Kindergarten students ran to the half circle and picked up a card that was placed upside down, ran to find the matching cookie, and performed the assigned task before returning the card to the circle.  Since there were only two children in each line, students kept very busy.  In the end, we took photos of all children standing next to their favorite package of cookies.

Thank you to Mrs. Thompson for providing the boxes of cookies for this activity.  

 A group of students race to the cards to pick a cookie 
that they must match at the opposite end of the gym.

This student reaches down to turn over the card for Thanks-a-Lot cookies. 

The card has been matched with the correct cookie and 
now this student will toss and catch with the light-up ball.

 Even a broken arm did not stop this student from dribbling a basketball at the Peanut Butter Patties.

 The light up ball was fun to toss and catch at the Lemonades cookie.

 This student jogs in place at the Peanut Butter Sandwich cookies.

 Tapping a balloon in the air 10 times was what was required at the Caramel DeLites.

 The exercise for Thin Mints was jumping jacks.

Matching the Shortbread cookie required tossing and catching a yarn ball in a scoop.

Touching toes was the exercise for the Smores cookie. 

    This student tosses and catches a ball at the thanks-a-lot cookies.

Yum!! Peanut Butter Patties are a hit with this group of students.

 Peanut Butter Patties was also the cookie of choice for these two boys.

 These students chose Caramel DeLites as their favorite Girl Scout cookie.

This large group of students chose Smores as their favorite Girl Scout cookie.