Monday, February 25, 2019

Open Gym Week February 25-March 1, 2019

This week I am letting students have some free time in Physical Education.  We call it Open Gym.  Today I set out different equipment that let students work on throwing, catching, and tapping.  Later this week I will get out some other types of equipment and let students practice with it.  As a teacher, this is a fun time for me to watch students working on skills without constant interruption from me.  It's nice to see them persevering when skills are challenging, along with working and cooperating with others.  Students really enjoy this special time. 

Shooting a basket on the short goal.

Tapping a balloon in the air.

Dribbling a playground ball.

Bouncing and catching a light-up ball.

Working on tossing and catching a yarn ball in a scoop.

Catching a bean bag individually after stomping on the stomp board.

Catching a beanbag that has been stomped into the air by a partner.