Thursday, March 28, 2019

National Something on a Stick Day - March 28, 2019

I'm convinced the National and International holidays are getting a little stranger, but I am forging ahead with our "Every Day's a Holiday in Physical Education" theme.  Students actually had a fun time with our "National Something on a Stick Day."  This day is meant to recognize foods that can be eaten on a stick. I asked children to tell me some foods that fit this category and they did a great job.  They suggested foods like corndogs, marshmallows, kabobs (meat, cheese, seafood, veggie, fruit), lollipops, popsicles, and more.  They even suggested some foods I had forgotten, like frozen bananas on a stick. 

We played a bowling game where, again, students worked on stepping in opposition.  Pictures of foods on a stick were placed in hoops and children attempted to roll a ball into the hoop.  If this was accomplished, the student got to pick up the card and bring it back to the team's basket.  A point was awarded for each picture and an extra point was awarded if students got two matching pictures.  This encouraged some strategy and an emphasis on aiming. Students were excited when they got a match!   It was such a fun day today that I will repeat this activity with tomorrow's preschool students.

Students work on stepping forward in opposition as they roll their ball towards the hoop.

Rolling her ball inside the hoop with a card lets this student earn a point.

This student lands a ball in the hoop and prepares to take her card back to her team.

Yummy!  A fudgesicle is what this student landed on.

A hotdog is what this student gets to take back to his team's basket .