Monday, March 18, 2019

Transit Driver Recognition Day - March 18, 2019

The celebration of "Transit Driver Recognition Day" in Physical Education today gave students the opportunity to learn about the word "transit."  We talked about different kinds of transportation within a city and how those methods can move people from one location to another.  Some students mentioned that they had been on a bus or in a taxi cab.  In the gym we yelled out a big "thank you" to all the transit drivers everywhere who take the time to transfer people from one spot to another via bus, train, subway, trolley car, cable car, taxi, etc.  

Preschool children played a game with scooters being the buses. Balls (the passengers) were placed all over the gym floor and children had to sit on the scooter and travel out to a ball and pick it up using only their feet.  Once the ball was lifted by the feet it could be transferred to the hand and brought back to the station.  At the end of the game, we did a movement activity to "Wheels on the Bus."

Kindergarten children expanded this game by talking about safety rules for drivers.  We mentioned both hands on the wheel, driving the speed limit, and no distractions like music, talking, or cell phones.  We also discussed routes and how important it is to get on the right route (or colored line on a subway or bus) to get where you are supposed to go.  Kindergarten students played the game the same but instead of bringing the ball back to the station, they had to transfer the colored ball to a matching basket across the gym while holding a hula hoop in their hands as a steering wheel.  

The four pre-school students below use their feet to pick up a "passenger."

This student is proud of the number of passengers his team collected for their bus.

The kindergarten transit bus drivers head out to pick up passengers.

Holding their steering wheels, these students look for a passenger to pick up.

This bus driver prepares to transfer a passenger from her feet to her hand.  
She will then deliver the passenger to the correct matching color basket.

This bus driver delivers a yellow ball to the yellow basket.