Monday, April 1, 2019

April Fools Day - April 1, 2019

Today was that silly day that comes around once a year when someone tells you there is a spider behind you or your shoelaces are untied.  Regardless of how silly adults may find this day, children think it is hysterical.  They have fun making up the most bizarre stories and hoping someone will believe them.  I try to look shocked when they mention one of their stories to me and then yell "April Fools."  I attempted to add to the fun today by playing a game called April Fools Talk.  Students stood on an end line of the gym and I made a comment.  If the comment was something they did not believe (like my dad washes his pickup truck in the bathtub), they yelled out "April Fools."  If the comment was believable (like I wash my car at a car wash) they ran down the court until I yelled "stop" and another comment was made.  They moved all the way down court in this manner.  Later, we added a ball and students had to dribble the ball down court.  This made the activity more challenging, but students are working hard to improve their dribbling.