Thursday, April 4, 2019

National Burrito Day and World Rat Day - April 4, 2019

Today is National Burrito Day.  I asked children if they knew what a burrito was and most of them did.  We warmed up in PE with a burrito wrap relay.  Students laid down on the floor with a short towel (tortilla) across them and grabbed the edges.  They had to roll down the court a short distance, wrapping and unwrapping in the towel.  It was so silly and the children laughed a lot.

Students lay out the towel that they will use as their tortilla.

Let the rolling begin!

This student will wrap and unwrap as she rolls her burrito down the court.

Today was also another strange day of recognition. This is the tenth anniversary of World Rat Day, a holiday set aside to recognize the rat as both a fun pet and gentle companion for anyone.  I have to admit that it would not be my pet of choice, but there are people who feel that rats are sweet and loving pets.  In some classes, I read the book "That Pesky Rat" by Lauren Child and then we played a game called "Cats and Rats."  Some children were the cats who hid their eyes and faced the opposite direction of the rats.  Other children were the rats who were sneaking up quietly on the cats.  When I yelled out "RATS," the cats turned to chase the rats and tried to tag them with a short foam swim noodle.  The rats were safe if they made it back to their home base.  If a rat was tagged, the cat and rat changed places.

The cats hide their eyes.

 The rats sneak up on the cats.

The cats turn to chase the rats back to their home base.