Wednesday, April 3, 2019

National Walking Day - April 3, 2019

The first Wednesday in April is always National Walking Day, a day promoted by the American Heart Association.  This day encourages people to get outside and walk, whether it is by yourself, with a friend, or walking a pet.  The recommended amount of daily walking is 30 minutes. There are so many benefits to this inexpensive form of exercise, so grab your tennis shoes and head out for a walk.   

Today in Physical Education we played walk tag.  Students worked with a partner.  One person had a foam Frisbee and counted to five while their partner walked away.  The object of the game was to walk as fast as possible to tag your partner with the foam frisbee.  No running was allowed.  If tagged, partners changed places.  This game kept children moving.  

Before playing the tag game, Kindergarten students warmed up with an activity called "Walkie Talkie."  They walked with a partner and talked to each other about what they did during their spring break.  It was nice to see them walking together having a nice conversation.  

Kindergarten students walk together and talk about what they did 
over spring break.  This was part of the "Walkie Talkie" warm-up.

Everyone is constantly moving during the game of Walk Tag.

Both boys must walk as they play this tag game.

The tagger is in pursuit.

The tagger touches her partner.  Now they will change places.