Friday, April 5, 2019

National Deep Dish Pizza Day - April 5, 2019

During National Deep Dish Pizza Day, students attempted to build a deep dish pizza using various pieces of equipment.  They worked on the Frisbee throw and overhand throw using scarves for sauce, white yarn balls for cheese, Frisbees for pepperoni, etc., and throwing them on to our "crust," which was a parachute.  I've been working a lot with students recently on the overhand throw.  One of our school baseball coaches worked with me to change the way I have taught this skill in the past, so students are getting in a lot of practice to improve their new 2 step approach to throwing, which still ends with stepping in opposition.

 Scarves were used for the sauce.

 White yarn balls were used for the mozzarella cheese.

 Frisbees were used for the pepperoni.

After the meat was added, plastic and vinyl veggies were added for toppings.

 Tomato is a healthy pizza topping. 

 Onion is added to our deep dish pizza.

 Broccoli is added to this class' pizza.

 Students throw over-handed and add another topping to their deep dish pizza.

This class poses by their finished product.  Yummy!!