With our return from a long weekend, this will be our last week to review rules and procedures. Children are settling in nicely and adjusting to the many expectations for coming to the gymnasium. Today I posted pictures of our rules around the gym and children had to find the rule when I explained it. They jogged to the rule and, once there, did a specific exercise. This activity kept children busy and is helping them learn the names of various exercises. In addition, studies show that adding movement to academic content helps children retain information better. Yeah!!
This class does Jumping Jacks at Happy Hearts which
reminds us to treat each other with love and kindness.
Students found Inspector Respect and did a Windmill exercise.
This rule says "Listen and follow directions so everyone can learn."
Toe Touches were done at Shoo Fly who reminds us
to know the difference between tattling and telling.
Bicycles were done at Healthy Hands. This rule reminds students to keep hands clean.