Friday, October 18, 2019

Preparing for Our Upcoming Grandparent's Day Program

This week in PE we finally finished up our study of where we are in the universe.  We started with the Milky Way galaxy, studied the 8 planets, Earth, the 7 continents, North America, United States of America, Kansas, Sedgwick County, and ended up in Wichita, Kansas.  Our games were fun and informative and, hopefully, children will remember some of the sites in Kansas, Sedgwick County, and Wichita.  If you have not looked at the link to the photos, please go back to the previous post, as there are some fun pictures of the children in action.

For the next several weeks we will be working on our routines for the Grandparent's Day performance which will take place at our Early Childhood Thanksgiving program on Friday, November 22.  The singing by the children is amazing and the PE portion of the program is always fun.  You won't want to miss this very special program so be sure to mark the date on your calendar.

I am in need of foam pool noodles for one of the routines I hope to do with kindergarten students.  If you have any old ones at home that you are willing to part with (they will be cut in half), please send them to school with your child and leave them in the early childhood office.  Thank you so much for your help with this request.