Friday, January 24, 2020

Lunar New Year Parades


Our halls were filled with much red today as classes celebrated the Lunar New Year with parades through the Early Childhood, Lower School, and Middle School hallways.  All classes chose to be a part of this event so there were a lot of children parading with noise makers, sparkle wands, lanterns, signs, stuffed animal rats, and, of course, the long paper dragon and dragon head. Thank you to Mr. Elmore, along with all classroom teachers and aides, who assisted with this event, and a big thank you to Lower School and Middle School teachers who let us interrupt their day for a few minutes as we came through.  The parade was fun and very colorful.  Thanks, too, to Mrs. Ghosh, Mrs. Zarei, and Mrs. Johnson for making paper lanterns for our hallways.  Thank you to Mrs. Blasi and Mrs. Paulseen for hanging them up.

All students went home with the red envelope that is traditionally handed out to children on the Lunar New Year.  I hope your child shared the hug coupon with you. 

Below you will find links to some photos that I took of the classes.  However, because I was busy leading the parade, it was difficult for me to take as many photos as I would have liked.  Most teachers brought their cameras and I-pads and took pictures along the way.  I'm sure many will post them to their classroom See Saw pages.  Be sure to keep a look out!

Preparing for our Lunar New Year Parade with our "Year of the Rat" sign.

A lantern shaped like a sun is held up in front of the dragon.  The dragon chases the sun.

Students carry the paper dragon as students follow with noise makers and sparkle wands.

A student looks through the head of the dragon.

Our paper dragon has lasted another year.  It looks great as the children travel outdoors.

 A paper lantern ends the parade.


What a great looking class.

Our head of early childhood and her assistant stand by the dragon and
bunny that reminded children to wear RED for the Lunar New Year parade.