Sunday, January 12, 2020

Three Important Upcoming Early Childhood Events

Second semester is always a busy time for special events in the Early Childhood division and several of them are coming up either next week or the week after.  Below is some important information:

Thursday, January 23 - Early Childhood Open House, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

An undesirable weather forecast made it necessary to postpone this event from Thursday, January 16, to January 23.  We still hope you can make an effort to attend.

Current families of Great Beginnings, Preschool, and Prekindergarten students, are invited to come to school in the evening to check out the next grade level opportunities. You can visit with grade level teachers, tour different classrooms, and have your questions answered by people who are "in the know."  Kindergarten parents may attend Lower School's "The Next Big Step" at 6:30 pm to find out more information about first grade.  If you know families or individuals who are interested in Collegiate, please invite them to attend, as well.  Your smiling face will be a welcome sight and will put perspective families at ease.

Friday, January 24 - Early Childhood Lunar New Year Parade during PE classes  

Most classes are choosing to participate in this event which simply has our students celebrating the Lunar New Year, and the "Year of the Rat."  Students will parade through the halls of several buildings carrying our long paper dragon and shaking noise makers and sparkle wands.  For this event, please have your child dress in RED, which is considered a lucky color in the Asian culture.  Anything with a dragon, panda bear, large flowers, or oriental writing is also fine.  If your child has an outfit from his/her native country, please feel free to wear it.  It is fun to see children dressed in authentic attire from their country.  I love to take a class picture of each group and post it outside the classroom.  

Wednesday, January 29 - Early Childhood Pioneer Day, 8:30 am - 10:45 a.m. in the South Gym

This event is held annually on January 29 to celebrate the birthday of Kansas.  This year students will come to the south gym to participate in various stations set up in the south gym, music room, and surrounding rooms.  Students will make butter, eat cornbread muffins, peel and eat apples, wash clothes on a washboard, sing songs, listen to a book, watch a quilter and spinner, rope sawhorse cows, play pioneer games, and maybe even pet a farm animal or two.  We always end the event with scatter square dancing.  Parents are always invited to participate in the dancing.  Be sure to contact the Early Childhood office if you would like to volunteer to help at a station.  For this event, your child is encouraged to dress up in pioneer attire.  Nothing special needs to be purchased.  Ideas include blue jeans, denim skirt, flannel or denim shirt, cowboy hat, cowboy boots, suspenders, chaps, vest, bandanna, straw hat, sheriff's badge, pioneer dress or skirt, apron, bonnet, coonskin cap, or Native American outfit.  Please do not have your child wear anything that might be viewed as a weapon.  It's going to be a fun morning.